christmas has ended...coming up in less than 7hrs...will b a new year ahead.. but time to refresh some memories that i had for the past 1 wk plus wif all the celebration i had..
tue - outing wif temp sembcorp members
Mon - christmas lunch at mandrain gallery after project meeting

wed - christmas nite party zw house..n play a round of mj till 2am
thur - watch movie wif mag n william, n had j-pot at vivo..then took pic at the sky garden of the christmas tree

fri -lunch at deb house...then shop near kj's house...n had a round of mj b4 heading hm @ 2am
sat - shopping spree wif sis (end up buying the most expensive shoe i ever own)
sun - early celebration for dad's bday dinner @ noble house
mon - starting of tuition again...then meet up for dinner wif norman n huiting..
tue - AYG nite : dinner @ LJS, play wii @ gamesheaven till 11pm (one of the earlier days i come back hm)
wed - celebrate zw's bday at Powerhouse till 2.45am

seems like i haven't been eating hm food since last TODAY...i make it a point of eating at hm :D
Let's countdown for 2010! hehe