Today went Sentosa for sun tanning..Soooo long nv really face the sun much...since last yr in poly..with some ex's friends.

We meet ard 9 plus..reach Palawan Beach ard 10. There isnt a single soul, unless u count the life guard peaceful tat mi n yi fang was not used to it. We tanned till ard 12+, which by tat time..we saw there was quite a handfull of ppl le..
During the time we were there..we saw the owner n 2 of his dogs playing with the tennis i went up n use my cam hp to take..which wasn't very successfull..cos the pic..turn up to be very small (the abv pic..)
On the way to harbourfront..we met up with a grp of staff who were doing their project..n they gave us their art work(ballons)

jus watch finish watching a korean movie - millionaire's first love. It's a very touching...cried watching it..
plot- this guy who was spoilt to the bottom throughout his upbringing. His grandfather died..then his will was..when he turned 18, he will be a millionaire(cos he will inherit the assets n shares). However..he was not told that he must graduate frm one particular sch which is at the rural area (tat the principal is his grandfather's friend). Anyway, this gal came to find him..told him tat she was pregrant (of cos fake one la). ..till later part then i know she was his childhood friend..who he promised to return ( or at least pay a visit to her after 10 days). but he did not turned up..end up becos on the 10 nite, his parents were killed ( including his sister, cos not shown)...he lost the memories he held at the rural area...cos it brings memories of his parents..which he did not want to remember.
So touching..make mi cry....sob sob.. :'D