Wednesday, December 29, 2004
After celebration of William belated birthday..from party world i went to Marriott to meet up with my family to celebrate dad's birthday.
while eating half-way the course (buffet), mom ask mi to ask the waitress for complimentry cake from them. So that is the cake (Tiramisu) for dad for his birthday. Though the cake is small, but the alcholol inside is strong.
Monday, December 20, 2004
It seems like hospital n mi keep changing date with me. At first when i got the date, 20 dec, as i think i may go for the talk...end up nv go as ping say that one only earn 1DA and 3 DP or DNP points which that points i have too many..dun need it. But to exchange for 1DA for 5 days is not worth. So end up nv attend, leg still cannot walk too much. It is very stressful for my leg, as my leg still quite pain.
Anyway, then i change the date to 27 dec when they gave the date. On sat nite, i receive a letter from hospital that they ask for a new date that is on 3 jan..WTH...1st day of sch have to skip??!!!so i call up to change the date...the person told mi the date was on 10 jan instead of the date they written for mi!!! But i dun wanna to miss any accounting lesson..dun wan to miss the chance of getting lots of B. So i say give mi other earlier dates..they say 6 Jan have at i took without realising i have UT (~@@~) on that day!!! It is only when i called my mom telling her the date..then i i went to change to 13 jan, thur, that day dun have UT rite?
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Today jus come back from suntec food fair..eaten quite a number of stuff...but did not get to eat the snow ice, as mom dont let mi buy. this time round the food fair is half the size of the previous food fair.
After that, we went to carffour there, level 1, as dad wanna buy 4D. That side happen to have dog show, selling dog/cat food and their clothing. At that time, 1.55-2.10 pm, other dogs come in to register the contest: dog and owner look alike contest which will be starting @ 2.30pm. B4 that, they ask Marlven from kid Central to host from 2-2.30..seeing his dogs. Goldie- 4 yrs old golden retreiver (f) and Harvey - 6 yrs old hound dog (m) weighs 32kg . As i was standing right at the front, i got to touch those two dogs. their fur was rough type. But still i like to cuddle i dont care...
ps: my injured leg abit swollen and changed color by the time i reach home, maybe walk too much liao..but still having fun is a priorty for me :P
Friday, December 17, 2004
Today i spend almost my whole day at my six-aunt-in-law house. Go there to learn accounting from her. She taught me the basic. Once I know my basic, it is easier as the rest are concept. Those principle behind those concept can be justify using the basic.
Then after lunch, I watch the barbie doll movie (cannot remember the name of the movie) with my cousins at their house. Before that, Tania brought out her birthday present that I bought for her and play with Wilson (girls' lego). I asked Tania whether she like blue, cos i remember when i bought the gift, i find the blue one was nicer - i think inside includes hairpins or something like that. But i scare she doesnt like end up ordering the pink one for her as it was out of stock at that point of time. i also found out that Wilson also like to play next time i know where to find their gift. smart rite..go there to find out what they next yr know where to find their gifts without any worry of thinking where to buy theirs... :-)
By the time i watch finish the movie at 5pm, it started to rain outside...spoil my rest of the 'outing'. My mom plan to go Suntec for the food fair (so be lah..mi not say have), but becos of rain...i have cancel the trip..cos parents went home..home here also raining dogs and bo pian..have to come home and stay for the rest of the day...
But nv mom say tml can go out again..if only my dad wants to go food fair in the pray hard tmr go out..or else it will be another rotting nana at home again.
9.19pm ended my 'speech'.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
This morning after my breakfast @ 11am, I went to my see dr. Now feeling much better, but the logenzes so big and yucky. This is the 1st time she gave me this kind one, maybe this kind one is stronger than the usual one or out of stock. But still i prefer the old one, taste not so yucky, still can ta han...but now, i wish it can melt faster so I dun have to keep tasting it.
Got a urge to go out, but outside seems going to rain soon and i cant walk fast. So have to 'cancel' the trip to comic home got nothing to read, nothing watch, keep watching those old jap vcd to watch. Comic at home, nowdays very hard to dig out, as it has shifted the place where have to climb on the chair and remove sis's soft toys b4 i can retrieve one to read, very troublesome thing to do nowdays i slack at home..
Leg wise, doc advise not to keep walking, rest more and lift up the leg for blood circulation.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Today went to bukit batok west Ave 5, St 31 to see chinese doc for my injured leg as mi able to walk like a tortise. Doc say my leg's vein got 'tangle' so can walk properly.
Wanted to go to my ballet friend's (Mandy) house for farewell party, as she is going oversea to study. But i dont think can go liao...Cos mi caught flu from sis. Now not really feeling well. Dunno will get well on that day or not.
Friday, mi going to my six uncle house to learn accounting from my aunt-in-law.
Now, being scolded by my mom for not helping she is rushing to everything i write all summarise version... the rest u all wanna know..have to ask lor.. ;P
Monday, December 13, 2004
I am able to walk liao!!! After 12 days of hopping...I abel to walk liao...
I takes me abt a fortnight to walk long...but cant walk much cos still quite painful while walking. At least, I am able to walk..though the way I walk a bit funny...
Thursday, December 09, 2004
hurt my leg again on tuesday when i couldnt balance myself properly.
just now hurt below my shoulder muscle while retrieving my handphone on the floor, as it was ringing. Got a miss call, dunno whose number was i nv return the call.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Originally uploaded by myday. Picture taken yesterday after the finale on stage with Miss Kuo (our teacher who taught us the 'tango', those who are wearing the red dresses.
These are my balllet friends who are still there dancing, except the guys (liang bin and han wei) go to dance modern dance instead of ballet liao.
Xilin, on the left, and mei yi, on the right, still wearing the stage makeup. Cos we are last group to take the photos on stage. And of cos, mi in the centre with my crunches ;P
Saturday, December 04, 2004
This cute guy is so good. I sprang my right arche, so I am getting up the stairs, he lend mi his hand to help me up the stairs. So kind of him. Btw, this picture I nv think of taking one. It is one of my juniors suggested it, cos they wanna take pictures with him.
(He not bad looking, but somehow in the pic, he dun as cute as you see him in person)
PS: We were holding hands, which I never realise till later. Haha.. Both of us take advantage of us other... hehe

Thursday, December 02, 2004
So sad...cannot perform on stage liao..for the rest of this yr...
Last nite: 9++pm, I injured myself with my right arche (foot). went to hospital to check out. Watch Singapore Idol over there. Wait for quite long for seeing doc, then X-ray, then back to doc..watin for the result from the doc...took very last see the doc. She say no fracture, but need to go specialist department in hospital for further check out. I wonder y. the time i reach home, it's 2am. So sleepy liao, cos it took mi quite an effort to climb the stairs...
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Tiring rehearsal is coming in this afternoon!!!
From today till Friday, I wont be going to school. Sch term ending on friday as other words, mi having early sch term break!! But make no difference as there will full rehearsal making to feel physical torture soon starting from 2pm at UCC. ><