Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Wad a class outing we have...
Xiu Yan, Seck Wang, Siti, Ching hui, Jamie, Audrey, Jia Hui, Elina, Jeannie and me went to meet @ doughby ghout station at 12.30, as usual there will be someone turn up late. Then we went to Fish & Co to celebrate Xiu Yan and Seck Wang birthday there. They got the presents from the restrauant A fish pouch and a lolli pop each.. and one mini tobasco sauce which i have taken home.
Later only left xiu yan, audrey, jia hui, jamie and mi went to k-box. Each of pay 11 bucks for it. Met a yan dao down there. They asked for his number and xiu yan took a picture with him.
After that, we went to Yilin working place, looking at the bikini. This remind me of another class outing coming up on next friday..location? secret at the moment...Until the day has come, then i will write in my blog :P
Sunday, November 28, 2004
After dancing at Waterloo street -- Stamford Art Centre, my parents and I went to Maxwell to eat. We waited for bus 166 at Bencoolen Street for 20 mins, and no bus came at all..till the last 5 mins.
We drop near the Hindu temple with the cow sitting on one, which is near china town then went to the maxwell food centre there to eat dinner.
Then we went to Tong Heng to buy chinese pastery that is when I saw Betty Chia (i think...nt too sure of her name, but I know she was on Channel 5 before).
Lastly, mi reached home for a hot bathe...body so achegy...especially my leg...
Never been to any of his concert b4. Heard that this wasn't as gd as his previous concert in Singapore, but I find it enjoyable.
He sang more than 12 songs for us. special guests are Wen Lan and Hong Quan Ma Ma.
This picture is taken when he came to our side singing the last song.

Saturday, November 27, 2004
Jay playing piano, singing quite a number of songs.

Friday, November 26, 2004
Yesterday so funny. Usually either xiu or me blur...nv expect ping also blur. Got off the wrong station.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Count down 1 days to Jay Chuo's concert.
Count down 9 days to my ballet performance. So fast, it coming to end of the year liao.
Count down to end of school term is 4 days (startin from Tuesday, I no need to go sch liao. Taken LOA from school for coming performance and rehersal that will be at UCC.)
Last but no least, count down 1 day to last UT1 'paper' Web Application!
I am quite looking forward towards tomorrow, as there would be fun coming towards the weekend (Jay Concert) and rehersal coming up on the weekends.
Things to be done after school:
- RJ for System Analysis. Goh Chin Hong say is a different rj from the rest of the previous week....most important thing is he want this rj to be LONG!!!
- Find out my student's full name and so on for their theory Exam
- Revise for web application (on the codes)
Always feel so stress when I having marketing class. Dunno how to do the problem as the module provide none or limited resources given.
Things to be done after school:
- post office to buy envolope, and send the mail as express mail.
- return comics
- study for exam
- dinner (out)
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Today after UT- marketing, I went out with Audrey, xiu yan and qing Hui to Far East Plaza to Ah Kun Mian Bao, french toast set for me, for breakfast. Later, at around 11am we K-Box(K Lunch, 11-2pm) at Cineleisure and sang quite a number of songs. After that, we go Level 8: K-Pool from 2+ till 4.20pm. In between, Jamie and her friend Diana and other guy (never able to catch his name) came for a short while. Since, outside was raining like cats and dogs, we sat at Yoshinoya till 5.30pm. Wiwi join us there. She is the only one who ordered a meal. The rest of us are too full to eat, Qing hui and me got a drink each only. Then we disperse the group, as some going home, some joining another friends, while me meet ping and xiu for my file (for work)which was left with Kamisah. As my laptop was borrowed by Kamisah in the morning. Then I go off to work, while ping and xiu went Raffle City for dinner.
After work, I went to eat 'dinner' with my sis at Marche at Suntec. We took cab back home at 10pm, so we wont get our parents nagging of coming home late.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
I went to my 6th uncle house at Palm Garden ard 3pm to give my cousins birthday presents. Later, I went to meet Xiu at Jurong East Popular at 5pm. Together, we took to funan centre and accompany william. We stayed there till 7.55, when Ping's sis wedding invitation card stated at 7pm. We reached Lion City Hotel, Happy Restuarant, Tanjong Katong at 8.15pm, yet the wedding hasn't started.
I met my accounting fac there, Tan kar Yeong, Ping's brother-in-law's cousin. He brought his gf along. Quite chio man...
This is what ping and xiu wear in Ping's sis wedding dinner.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
It is Jay's girlfriend at the wedding with him!
Jay, Jay's family and someone is there with him. hehe